The RGCA partners with the following organizations to unlock additional benefits for members and to strengthen the industry as a whole:
PR and Marketing
The Fletcher Group is an award-winning PR and marketing agency made up of senior-level advisors. They are deeply entrenched in payments, retail , and tech sectors with over a decades worth of experience working with the RGCA and individual members. If you are interested in seeing what they have to offer please contact us or review their joint presentation with Xuma Communications from the 2019 RGCA Forum.
Legal Counsel
RGCA's Legal Counsel Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes, P.C. (RFWGGR) assist the organization in monitoring relevant litigation, legislative, and regulatory matters and reports key information to the membership. In addition, RFWGGR works with the RGCA to advocate on behalf of the closed-loop gift card industry by preparing and sending opinion letters to lawmakers as appropriate when a bill/legislation is under review, arranging conversations with elected officials and their staff, and facilitating discussions and interactions with other government or industry related agencies that impact the closed-loop gift card industry. RGCA members are eligible for a complimentary consultation and reduced rates thereafter. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us, schedule a complimentary consultation at the next RGCA Forum, or see their presentation from the 2019 RGCA Forum .

Industry Partnerships